Thursday 10 November 2016

What You Need to Know Before Buying a Hoverboard

If a hoverboard segway is on your wish-list, there are a couple of things that you need to know about before making the purchase. This is meant to help you stay safe on your board, and enjoy your investment for a long time to come.

What You Need to Keep in Mind

First and foremost, you need to be aware that there are some restrictions as to where you can ride or carry your hoverboard. Find out from the local police department as to where it is legal to ride your board such as on bike lanes or sidewalks. You could face stiff fines and even have your new board confiscated if you ignore the rules. Some airlines also do not allow them on-board or have restrictions as far as charge goes so find out this information before boarding your next flight.

More importantly, not all hoverboards are created equal. There are some cheap options on the market but these do not use brand name batteries. Such batteries do not have circuit breakers to ensure that the board does not get too hot, and are therefore fire hazards. Pay attention to the hoverboard price among other considerations before making the purchase.

The best way to ensure that you are safe and enjoy your investment for many years to come is to purchase your board from quality dealers such as UberBoard. You can guarantee a quality product that does not compromise your safety or enjoyment of your board.

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